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Unlock Your Daily Peak Performance

We've all had moments when everything clicks, and tasks feel effortless. What if you could experience that more often? The secret isn't better time management—it's better energy management. Knowing when your energy is at its peak can unlock greater productivity and fulfillment. You can start making that shift today.


Using time wisely matters, but knowing when your energy is at its peak can lead to real productivity gains. Are you familiar with the term being in a state of flow? If not, perhaps you are familiar with being "in the zone," which is synonymous.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who coined the concept of flow, described it perfectly:

"Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz."

Everyone experiences the state of flow at times, and some can tap into it more often. Flow happens when you enter an energized, focused mental state of being immersed in the moment, where time fades away and productivity soars. It can last for minutes or even hours.

Knowing when you're most likely to enter a state of flow is key to structuring your day around it. All you need do is start by paying attention to when these flow states naturally occur.

"Flow is the process of achieving happiness through control over one's inner life." - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


"A man doesn't need brilliance or genius, all he needs is energy." - Albert M. Greenfield

Flow allows you to channel your energy. But what kind of energy are we talking about? It comes in various forms, including:

·       Mental

·       Physical

·       Emotional

·       Spiritual

Recognizing when your energy naturally peaks and what fuels or drains it can help you harness it more effectively. You likely already have a sense of when you're most energized for certain tasks. Give some thought to the following questions:

·       When do your energy peaks occur?

·       What type of energy is strongest during those peaks?

·       What drains your energy unnecessarily?

·       What recharges your energy?

·       What sustains your energy levels?

·       What patterns can you identify?

Observing your energy patterns for a few days will make the peaks and valleys clear. When you have the answers to these questions and understand how they cycle, you can optimize your day around your energy highs. Let me share some personal insights from my experience by answering the above questions.

When do your energy peaks occur?

My most noticeable mental energy peak is in the early morning, lasting an hour or more. This is my most productive time each day. I often get a second wind around mid-morning that can last another hour or more.

After lunch, I usually take a brief nap. Yes, I said nap! It's one of the perks of retirement. Even 5-15 minutes of rest recharges me for the afternoon, and I sometimes experience a third wind for a short time. My fourth wind can hit around 7:00 PM. While I don't always reach a flow state every time, these are the times when they usually happen.

What type of energy is strongest during those peaks?

The flow states I have described are primarily mental. But in my early mornings, I almost always experience stronger spiritual energy, so my morning routine includes my devotions.

Mid-morning, I find my physical energy peaking again, with my mental and physical energy high. Mid-afternoon and early evening tend to be periods of mental focus. Emotional energy peaks are harder to track, possibly because retirement has changed my stress patterns.

What drains your energy unnecessarily?

The most significant drains on my energy are distractions, attempting to multitask, and, naturally, any stress. Checking emails first thing in the morning is a major culprit. It's hard to regain focus or flow if I start my day with emails. Multitasking is another enemy of my productivity. When we multitask, we're actually task-switching, which wastes enormous amounts of mental energy. To use your energy best, tackle one task at a time.

What recharges your energy?

Sleep is the most important factor in helping me achieve flow during the day. I do well with 6 to 7.5 hours of sleep each night and wake up around the same time every morning without setting an alarm.

What sustains your energy levels?

Consistency and routine help sustain my energy. A few years ago, I dedicated my mornings to writing and studying scripture, which allowed me to complete my book, Uncommon Sense. Early mornings have always been my best time for serious thinking.

Exercise is also crucial for sustaining my physical energy. After suffering several widowmakers a few years ago, I adjusted my workout schedule to fit my new lifestyle, switching from early-morning workouts to a little later in the day when I am not at my mental peak.

What patterns can you identify?

I've uncovered several patterns or cycles that help me best use my energy. My sleep cycle and healthy eating habits have been key to maintaining good energy levels and mental clarity. I've noticed that sugar and excessive carbs negatively affect my sleep and focus. My morning routine is another valuable cycle, as it mentally energizes me for the day. Lastly, taking regular breaks throughout the day—moving for a few minutes every hour—helps recharge my mind and body.

"The energy of the mind is the essence of life." - Aristotle

Final thoughts

Your energy cycles are unique to you. When you align your activities with your natural energy peaks, you'll experience less stress, greater productivity, more joy, and a better life.

I recommend one final thing to help you create a great life. Use this information in other areas as well. You will be amazed at how beneficial it is to be in the zone in some of your relationships.

For example, if you experience a forth wind in the evening like I do, why not invest time in speaking with and listening to your spouse? Or your children. Give them your undivided attention, focusing on their life during high-energy periods, and you'll create stronger, more meaningful relationships. The goodwill you build will be imprinted in their hearts, leaving a lasting legacy.

I leave you with one final thought from Csikszentmihalyi:

"We shape our life by deciding to pay attention to it. It is the direction of our attention and its intensity that will determines what we accomplish and how well." - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

May you pay attention, use your energy well, accomplish much, and live the best life possible!

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